09 May 2009

Birthday wish for my little sister on her quince.....

"By hook or by crook, I hope that you will possess of yourself enough money to travel and to idle, to contemplate the future or the past of the world, to dream over books and loiter at street corners and let the line of thought dip deep into the stream."

-Virgina Woolf, A Room of One's Own

(I just read this book during my last--and third--lovely trip to Hoi An. What an anthem for women! And what a perfect time for me to read this book....)

What I learned from a visiting fisheries economics professor from Taiwan

The sea refuses no water; vastness thus flows.

04 May 2009

Note from grandfather.

I won't even address the fact that it's been about a billion years since I put anything on this silly blog. I'm keeping records elsewhere. But as my departure draws near I'm feeling inclined to pick this up again. So, to start, here's an email I just received from my dear grandfather, my favorite person in the world despite his rather conservative bent. I emailed him several weeks ago to tell him to tell him when I would return and ask him if he would come visit me. This was his response. I guess his humor is the same as it was when I left!

Hi Mal -
Sorry for taking so long to reply. Get sidetracked easily. We will of course be there to see you. Very anxious.
Do you still look the same? Any VISABLE tattoos? Have you aged much? Are you wiser? No need to answer now. I'll judge for myself.
Lots to catch up on. Still love you.