With every email I receive from Hong, the Vice Dean of the university, I feel more excited and calm. I'm a recovering Type A personality, and although I'm much better about "going with the flow" than I used to be, not knowing about my living situation was stressing me out a bit.
Luckily, I have enough information now to prevent any residual "Type A Anxiety" and allow myself to get excited. The guest/post-grad building where I'll be living is a five minute walk from campus, and I'll have access to the "canteen" (dining hall). I'm not sure if I'll love the food or if I'll have to pay for it, but we'll see. Additionally, I'll have a private room and private bath, a fridge, and even a mosquito net around my bed! (I love the idea of sleeping with a mosquito net around me....) Apparently there's "small and busy" kitchen in the building, as well. My biggest concern is having internet, since I'll be using Skype (a free, online video phone) to talk with Sam, friends, and family. Given the time change, and privacy issues, having internet in my room is the only feasible way to use Skype as a reliable tool for talking to people back home. The Vice Dean said she did not know for sure about internet in the guest building where I'll be living, but she heard that they were installing it now. I'm a relieved by that answer, since it's not a definite "no". But at the same time, I've already been warned about how slow things move in Vietnam and I just hope the 'net is up and running when I finally settle in in a couple of months. Everything has been working out so far, so I'm focusing positive energy on my internet issue in an effort to get the problem resolved.
(I would cross my fingers about the internet issue, but in Vietnam, crossing your fingers is thought to represent the vagina and is thus considered very rude. )
A little about the university: It was founded in 1959 as the Fisheries Faculty of Hanoi University. The school went through a series of name changes, and eventually separated from Hanoi University in 1977, but remained primarily a fishery school. Not until 2006 did it officially become Nha Trang University. Although the school seems young, it in fact has a strong foundation from its 50 years of educational foundation as a faculty and as an independent university. Currently the school offers 23 specialties, but it still specializes in fisheries and aquaculture. And, as I suspected, the school does overlook the ocean:
I've asked so many questions of the Vice Dean, she probably doesn't want to hear from me again until I arrive. She has been so helpful, though--writing with me in English, answering all my questions. She has helped me feel much more comfortable about getting a plane and moving to Vietnam for the better part of year.
It looks like I won't be able to put anyone up, but I'm still willing to be a gracious tour guide for any visitors!
When I would go to New Mexico, and sleep in "the shack" behind Olin's place I had a mosquito net around my bunk. It came from Army Surplus, and, ironically the Vietnam War. It was musty smelling but somehow still magically "cocooning".
i need your skype name kiddo =) i have it and with my lovely macbook we can wave each other even across seas!!!
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