24 September 2008

Mark your calendars!

Sam's new album, WAY TO NORMAL, will be in a store near you next Tuesday, 30 September! Then, on Thursday, 2 October, he'll be performing on Conan O'Brien. Tune in, because I can't!

And, I just went to log in to Myspace and found that the Folds album premiere was featured on the main page.

Things like the Myspace page feature make me feel closer to the excitement of the album release, but nevertheless I'm a bit sad to be missing the Conan performance and such.

I can't believe that the album will be out next week. On one hand, it feels like they were just recording yesterday. But on the other hand, that part of my life feels so far and distant from my life now....

1 comment:

mythopolis said...

We miss you Mallory! And I probably won't see Sam on Conan either since I have senior citizen bio-rhythm syndrome. J. and I will try to catch Sam in St.Louis mid October. After that, he'll be knocking on your door!