30 October 2008

Out of Office

After two lovely days in Nha Trang, Sam and I are heading to Dalat for a long weekend. With cool weather (in the 60s or 70s), it will be a drastic change of scenery for him, and especially for me, having grown so accostumed to the hot, humid climate.

Luckily we've had good weather since he arrived. Of course, right? My luck continues. Actually, though, we did have a couple minor hiccups: His flight was late, and one of his bags didn't come. Specifically, the bag with his clothes for the wedding didn't come. We had to scramble to throw together a wedding-worthy outfit--and luckily--we stumbled upon a great men's wear shop between the bus stop and the supermarket. He dropped about $47 dollars but got a nice pair of slacks, a nice shirt and a belt. Not bad, but at the wedding we realized he could have just worn his nice jeans and nice shirt. Hm. And then we had to make the trip back out to the airport today to get his second bag, but oh well. It's a gorgeous drive.

It has been really interesting seeing Sam's reaction to this place, and me in it. To some extent I'm used to my surroundings now, but for Sam, it's all very shocking.

The open tour bus is picking us up at our hotel tomorrow early tomorrow morning, so we'll have nearly a full two days in Dalat. This is my first time leaving Nha Trang since I arrived, and I'm feeling strangely sad about it, but of course I'm looking forward to a weekend adventure!

Posts will be short and few while Sam is here, most likely, but there's been a special request for Sam to make a "guest appearance" on here, so watch out. :)


Scriber's Web said...

Sorry about the lost luggage. I love reading about your adventures. Can't wait to see some photos!

mythopolis said...

I was looking at some photos of Dalat...the visible French influence from before the war. I'm sure you must be having a good time! Can't wait for photos!

RG said...

nice pic from the flower farm!